Geosynthetics for Coastal Protection
Coastal erosion is a significant problem in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific with rising sea levels, extreme storms and climate change having a significant impact on shorelines. Geofabrics coastal solutions are designed to reduce the effects of coastal and estuarine erosion whilst maintaining safety and amenity for the community.
Geofabrics offers flexible armour solutions that also provide robustness and adaptability and can be used in coastal, river and other dynamic applications where environmental impact must be minimised.
- Seawalls and revetments
- River and estuary works
- Groynes and breakwaters
- Temporary and emergency coastal erosion works
- Shoreline embankments

Coastal Protection & Remediation
Seawalls and revetments are forever changing as a result of wave action, tides and in some instances tectonic environments. This dynamic environment is also under pressure from land development which, in turn is threatened during storm events. Elcorock geotextile sand containers are made of extremely robust geotextile designed to be filled with local sand or gravel mix to form a durable seawall or revetment.
Where a rock revetment system is required, Texcel R is recommended which is a purpose designed non-woven geotextile laid below the rock. The geotextile provides a high resistance to damage during installation as well as offering separation between stone and underlying soil and providing long term filtration to prevent loss during tidal actions.
The robustness and stability of Elcorock geotextile sand containers also provide a solution for marine structures such as groynes and breakwaters. These structures extend out into the wave zone and provide marina and beach protection, sand movement control and river training. The size of the container can easily be selected based on the wave climate and other conditions ensuring stability under the most extreme conditions.
Elcorock has a soft finish and the ability to blend into the existing environment creating a more visually acceptable, amenable structure. Texcel R geotextiles are laid in conjunction with Elcorock for the groynes or breakwaters as a unique staple fibre blend and an inbuilt flexibility for coastal, port and river embankment upgrades and applications.
Reinforced Slopes & Retaining Walls
In addition to Elcorock geotextile sand containers, Maccaferri gabion baskets and reno mattresses offer a hard semi flexible solution for hydraulic applications such as weirs, and for scour protection along riverbanks and embankment stability in channel linings.
Rocks are natural and durable products commonly used for erosion protection of banks. The containment of rocks in the prefabricated double twist mesh units minimise the thickness requirement at the same time provide high resistance to hydraulic flow. The combined elements between rocks and double twist meshes is a monolithic yet flexible structure against ground deformation without structural impairment.
The durability, permeability, stability and flexibility of Elcorock geotextile sand containers provide an excellent solution for construction of shoreline embankments.
Protection of shoreline embankments can also be achieved with the Presto Geoweb cellular confinement system using infill materials appropriate for the application. Multiple type of infills can be used to best address hydraulic conditions. With concrete infill, the system creates a flexible hard-armour cover to protect the shoreline against degradation caused by hydraulic forces, including ice and wave action. Where appropriate, topsoil or vegetation infill controls the movement of saturated soils so natural vegetation can flourish.
Texcel R non-woven staple fibre geotextile can also be laid under embankments.
Temporary & Emergency Coastal Erosion Works
Elcorock geotextile sand containers are a fast, economical way of building bunds or temporary emergency works for coastal protection, and are easy to remove once the structure has served its purpose. It is suitable for installation even in difficult areas and under tough conditions.
Texcel R non-woven staple fibre geotextiles can be laid in conjunction with Elcorock under the temporary emergency works.